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The Squeeze Saga




Book 1 - Unbreakable Bonds


In a world ravaged by the devastating "Squeeze" virus, two groups of survivors fight for hope and a future. Lance and Gwen, a young couple immune to the virus, find themselves prisoners in a ruthless government facility, subjected to cruel experiments in the search for a cure. As they plan a daring escape with fellow inmates, they discover a growing resistance movement that could change everything.


Meanwhile, Michael and John lead a diverse group of survivors on a perilous journey north, chasing rumors of a safe haven. Battling hostile forces, dwindling supplies, and their own doubts, they forge a makeshift family bound by shared struggles and unwavering loyalty.


As both groups face unimaginable challenges, they must confront the true cost of survival in a world where trust is a luxury and hope is a lifeline. "Unbreakable Bonds" is a gripping tale of resilience, love, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.


Book 2 - Echoes from the Void


In the early 2040s, humanity faces its greatest challenge: the Squeeze virus, a deadly pathogen that sweeps across Earth with unprecedented speed and lethality. As governments crumble and society teeters on the brink of collapse, the fate of the human race may lie in the hands of those who watch helplessly from above.


Commander Lena Sorensen leads the crew of Lunar Base Alpha, a self-sustaining facility on the moon. When news of the pandemic reaches them, Lena and her team find themselves in an impossible situation. Safe in their isolated base, they must grapple with the moral implications of their survival while billions suffer on the planet below.


The virus's origins are shrouded in mystery, linked to a mining operation on Phobos and the fateful voyage of the ODYSSEY XII. As Lena and her team race to understand the pathogen, they uncover a web of secrets that threatens to unravel everything they thought they knew.


Tensions rise within the base as differing ideologies clash. Lena's determination to help Earth puts her at odds with her by-the-book Executive Officer, Lieutenant Commander Chen Liu, who advocates for complete isolation to ensure their survival. The conflict between duty and self-preservation threatens to tear the crew apart.


Meanwhile, on Earth, a new power rises from the ashes of fallen nations. The Global Stabilization Authority (GSA) promises order and a solution to the virus, but their methods are extreme and their true motives unknown. As the GSA consolidates power, rumors emerge of individuals with natural immunity to the Squeeze virus – individuals who quickly become targets for the new regime.


With resources limited and time running out, Lena must make impossible decisions. Should they risk everything to return to Earth and join the fight against the virus? Can they find a way to study the pathogen and develop a cure from the safety of space? And what of the GSA and their hunt for the immune – could these individuals hold the key to humanity's survival?


As Lena navigates these challenges, she must also confront her own fears and longings, particularly for her teenage daughter Sarah, trapped on the dying Earth. Every decision carries the weight of not just the base's survival, but potentially the future of the human race.


"The Squeeze Saga: Echoes from the Void" is a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the indomitable human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a world in crisis, it explores themes of hope, love, and loyalty in the face of overwhelming odds. As Lena and her crew fight to save humanity from the void of space, they must also confront the echoes of their own humanity – the bonds that tie them to Earth and to each other, even across the vast emptiness of space.




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"Unbreakable Bonds" is a compelling read, offering a mixture of suspense, science, and moral quandaries that are hallmarks of engaging science fiction. While there is room for expansion in character development and setting, the novel's strengths in plot and the originality of its premise suggest a high probability of reader enjoyment, especially for those who appreciate stories that blend scientific discovery with human drama."

Booksie Review, August 30, 2024


"Unbreakable Bonds propels readers into a thrilling fight for survival and hope as two groups navigate a virus-ravaged world, revealing the strength of love and loyalty amid overwhelming odds.", September 11, 2024


My Take: What would you do if your world was falling apart and survival became your only priority?


In Unbreakable Bonds: The Squeeze Saga Book One by Marc Wisdom, this question is front and center, taking readers on an unforgettable journey of hope, fear, and resilience. The world is ravaged by a virus, and the survivors' struggles are as heart-wrenching as they are inspiring.


This book is a gripping read. The highlight for me was the way the author captured the strength of the human spirit amidst chaos. The storyline keeps you hooked, as both groups of survivors face intense obstacles while trying to find safety and hope in a world that seems to offer neither.


The writing is simple yet powerful, drawing you in without overwhelming you with unnecessary complexity. I loved how the characters’ emotions felt raw and real, and I found myself deeply invested in their journey. This book is perfect for anyone who enjoys a good dystopian tale filled with action, emotion, and thoughtful reflections on humanity.


The author has done an incredible job creating a world that feels both terrifying and relatable. The pacing keeps the tension alive, and I can’t wait to dive into the next book in the series. Overall, an immersive and thrilling read! Click here to get your copy today and dive into a world where hope is the ultimate form of resistance in the book, Unbreakable Bonds: The Squeeze Saga Book One by Marc Wisdom.


Happy Reading!

Kindle Unlimited Reader, September, 2024 



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